Friday, December 22, 2006
Reads like a Mastercard ad...
Paid NZ Post to redirect our mail. Cost $30.
Registered Sam's car. Never mind that the form has been lying around for three weeks - he texted me and asked me to do it TODAY cos it expires tomorrow. Gotta love the procrastination, although I guess the later you do it the longer you get out of the 12 months you pay for. Or does it not run from the date you pay? Meh. Cost $180ish.
Nearly ready to move the big stuff tomorrow. Truck: $35 plus 35c/km. Hoping to do it in one go rather than two.
Xmas Dinner at K and R's tonight. Cost: Dessert and drinks.
Xmas Dinner on the 25th at my place. Priceless. Thanks Mum!
Christmas and moving are both expensive, although I'm happy only ONE of those comes once a year!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
It has begun
Most of the house is now boxed up and moved, or ready to move. The big stuff goes on Saturday. I love that our house is split level, but the stairs will be a killer for the washing machine and fridge and beds! I just hope it isn't raining.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Some other stuff not related to buying a house (warning: rat photo included)
When Maths Teachers go out to dinner...

...well, not much happens out of the ordinary. I was home by 9pm. What a Nanna.
We also gave Wee Man a bath
He didn't really enjoy it but he smells a lot nicer now.
It's the waiting that gets you
I have a house full of boxes, more boxes in the car, and loads of nervous energy. I'm waiting for a phone call from the agent to say that the lawyers have confirmed all is well and I can have the keys. Until then I just have to sit tight and wait. Bored bored bored... I want to get moving!!!
I never realised we had so much stuff! We have now packed 13 boxes full of books and six boxes of CDs. This time when we unpack we will merge my CDs with Sam's. Dunno why it's taken us over four years of living together to do that. The final step on the committment ladder, perhaps?
This week I am also teaching swimming - private lessons at Huia, from 3 - 5.30pm. Bad timing, but it will help pay for a few presents this Christmas.
Ring, phone, ring dammit!
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Today we signed all the important banking stuff at Westpac and the important lawyer stuff at the Lawyer's place. YAY!
School is about to end tomorrow. I have the UHC van and will be doing the 'school run' for the five or six people nearby who want to get boozed after prizegiving. The aftermatch is at the Speight's Alehouse in Petone. Sweet.
Sam's work is winding down for Christmas so they have hardly any boxes for us. I WANNA PACK, MAN!! (not to be confused with I want a Pac-Man) :) Anyone got a source that can hook me up?
Friday, December 08, 2006
A couple of builder reports niggles to sort, but esentially we will settle on Monday 18 December. Wanna help me move 18 - 23 December???
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Fingers crossed AGAIN
Please all think positive thoughts about Kelson today. No little K, it's not the one on your street. Further down on the right hand side :)
Monday, December 04, 2006
Sez and Ronnie's wedding pictures
Actually I've never seen a bride NOT looking fabulous - something about 'inner radiance blah blah blah...'
the Tattooed Lady
...and of course, now the eternal question:
"does this tattoo make my ass look fat?" :)